Category: Games
Are they a kid over the age of 5?
They need a: Build-your-own-fort kit! This gift idea came via my friend Wendy, who bought it for her nephew and it was a hit! Grab an old sheet to drape over it and get all the fun of forts without damage to your furniture and chaos in your living space. Take it outside for extra…
Do they love board games, especially Scrabble?
They need: Upwords! This game gives Scrabble a 3D upgrade! Not only can you make words the usual way (horizontally), you can stack letter tiles vertically! I grew up playing this game with my family and I bet someone you know would love it too!
Do they love pool / billiards?
They need a: Responsive Billiards Projector! Play billiards under the sea! In the cosmos! Put on game modes for fun or training modes to level-up your billiards game. This is responsive interactive augmented reality, not just a plain old projector. But be warned that it’s pretty expensive and has some requirements, like optimal cieling height…